Our MISSION: To educate and support all community members with the purpose of reducing recidivism to specific individuals by providing services that lead to healthier outcomes.
VISION: A community in which all people have pathways to healthier outcomes.
CORE VALUES: Respect: We treat all people with dignity and respect. Stewardship: We honor our heritage by being socially, financially, and environmentally responsible. Ethics: We strive to meet the highest ethical Standards. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: We advance equity, and foster equitable opportunity, addressing inequality within our organization by accepting racial, gender and ethnic diversity and expect our partners to also hold these values true. Innovation: We seek continuous improvement, bold creativity, and change.
The use of programs such as project P.O.W.E.R, Botvin Life skills, social media campaigns, mentoring/ internship programs, community farming projects, skills/ job trainings, employment connections, build support systems to promote mental and social health, long term case management will reduce criminal behavior as well as involvement in the criminal justice system and reduce recidivism.
A broad diversity of proven evidence-based programs that address preventing underlying causes for criminal behavior will work to combat this systemic community issue. Trinidad Youth Club and partners will build programs that offer support resources for individuals coming out of the criminal justice system, young people that are identified as at risk through our partners to be involved in their community in healthy ways. Choosing programs that provide opportunities, teach skills, and offer participants recognition for their work helps at risk young people to create strong bonds with their community. When clear standards and expectations are defined, healthier choices are more likely to occur. This is known as the social-development strategy and has been proven to be an effective tool.
Keep Trinidad Safe works with our community partners to receive referrals in order to assist to improve their lives and keep them out of the correction system.